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Laser Vision Clinic is the first clinic in New South Wales to offer ReLEx SMILE®

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Step 1

In a single step the VisuMax femtosecond laser creates a thin lenticule and a small access measuring less than 4 mm in the intact cornea.

Step 2

The surgeon removes the lenticule through the small access. There is minimal disruption to the bio mechanics of the cornea. No flap needs to be cut.

Step 3

The minimally invasive removal of the lenticule changes the shape of the cornea, correcting the refractive error of the eye.

Laser Vision Clinic was the first clinic in New South Wales to offer ReLEx SMILE® – a ‘flap-less’ form of laser vision correction, which can be used to treat a range of refractive errors, often even those with very high prescriptions (ranging from -1.00 to -12.5 dioptres , plus -5.00 dioptres of astigmatism), drier eyes, contact lens intolerance, and / or thinner corneas.

ReLEx SMILE® is a laser technique by Carl Zeiss for the gentle correction of vision defects. It is a minimally invasive treatment method which combines the extensive experience and superior safety of traditional vision correction techniques with numerous innovative benefits, high precision levels and perceptibly greater comfort during the treatment and fast post operative recovery.

What is ReLEx SMILE®?

ReLEx SMILE® (often known simply as SMILE®, which stands for Small Incision Lenticule Extraction)  is a less invasive way to treat short-sightedness and astigmatism. Traditional laser treatment involves cutting a flap from the cornea and uses Excimer laser to change the shape of the cornea. With ReLEx there is no flap cut required.

A 4mm opening is all ReLEx SMILE® needs. The minimally invasive technique allows significantly more corneal tissue to remain intact. This contributes to many benefits which other LASIK procedures do not offer.

The SMILE® Procedure : How it works

**ReLEx® and SMILE® are registered trademarks of Carl Zeiss Meditec.

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