What makes you unsuitable?
Your surgeon may still be able to perform the surgery safely in some cases, provided you and the surgeon have discussed the risks and possible complications, benefits and expected results. Factors that may affect your suitability:
- have certain eye problems or a history of eye problems, such as amblyopia (lazy eye), strabismus (muscle imbalance), severe dry eyes, previous eye surgery or injury, or any recurrent, residual or active eye conditions which may affect healing. Other conditions that you should tell your eye surgeon include keloid scarring with previous surgical healing, back problems, claustrophobia or other psychological problems, which may affect the surgery or recovery.
- are undergoing treatment with medications such as steroids and immuno-suppressants. Any medication that renders you immuno-compromised can adversely affect the healing process.
- are suffering from conditions or diseases that slow healing (e.g. auto-immune or collagen-vascular disorders, uncontrolled diabetes), or certain eye viruses including herpes simplex and herpes zoster.
- have significant scarring of the cornea.
- Pregnancy and / or breastfeeding mothers may be advised to delay their procedure.
The experienced clinical team at LVCCC will perform a comprehensive assessment of your individual needs to determine the perfect treatment options.