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What is involved?

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Immediately after the procedure

Your eye surgeon will want you to rest and when satisfied with your condition, you will be released to go home. You won’t be ready to drive yet, so someone should be with you. Your eye surgeon may give you protective sunglasses or shields to wear to protect your eyes.

1 day after

Following ReLEx SMILE®  and Bladeless LASIK visual recovery is rapid with most patients seeing very well the next day and their eyes feeling fairly normal.

Following ASLA vision may be fuzzy during the first week. However, most people have good functional vision even at the first day after surgery with most patients seeing at least 6/12 (half way down the eye chart).

1 week after

Following ReLEx SMILE®  and Bladeless LASIK the clinical team will perform a quick check to ensure your eye is healing as expected.

Following ASLA by the 4th-6th day, when the bandage contact lens is removed and most patients are expected to be well enough to drive. Your vision will improve rapidly in the first few weeks after surgery, but can take around one month to fully stabilise.
